uses SysUtils, Classes, DateUtils;const LineBreak = #13#10;type TSubtitle = record Start, Stop: TDateTime; Text: string; end;function ParseASS(const FileName: string; var Subtitles: TArray<TSubtitle>): Boolean;var SL: TStringList; I, P: Integer; Start, Stop: TDateTime; Line, Text: string;begin Result := False; Subtitles := nil; SL := TStringList.Create; try SL.LoadFromFile(FileName, TEncoding.UTF8); I := 0; while (I < SL.Count) and (SL[I] <> '[Events]') do Inc(I); Inc(I); while I < SL.Count do begin Line := SL[I]; if Line = '' then Break; if Line[1] = 'D' then begin Inc(I); Text := ''; while (I < SL.Count) and (SL[I] <> '') do begin Text := Text + SL[I]; Inc(I); end; P := Pos(',', Line); Start := EncodeTime(StrToIntDef(Copy(Line, P + 1, 2), 0), StrToIntDef(Copy(Line, P + 4, 2), 0), StrToIntDef(Copy(Line, P + 7, 2), 0), StrToIntDef(Copy(Line, P + 10, 3), 0)); P := Pos(',', Line, P + 1); Stop := EncodeTime(StrToIntDef(Copy(Line, P + 1, 2), 0), StrToIntDef(Copy(Line, P + 4, 2), 0), StrToIntDef(Copy(Line, P + 7, 2), 0), StrToIntDef(Copy(Line, P + 10, 3), 0)); SetLength(Subtitles, Length(Subtitles) + 1); Subtitles[Length(Subtitles) - 1].Start := Start; Subtitles[Length(Subtitles) - 1].Stop := Stop; Subtitles[Length(Subtitles) - 1].Text := Text; end; Inc(I); end; Result := True; finally SL.Free; end;end;procedure SaveSRT(const FileName: string; const Subtitles: TArray<TSubtitle>);var SL: TStringList; I: Integer;begin SL := TStringList.Create; try for I := 0 to Length(Subtitles) - 1 do begin SL.Add(IntToStr(I + 1)); SL